If you are new to tools or have been collecting for some time and would like to become a member of a tool collector’s organization there are many to choose from. Some are local others are national, and often have members from all over the world. Dues are usually inexpensive and include periodic newsletters, or magazine and local and/or national meeting information. Unfortunately at this time many of these organizations can only be contacted via traditional ‘Snail Mail’. I will include EMAIL addresses if and when available. This is just a few. I will expand the list and provide more information over the next few months
Mid-West Tool Collectors Association (M-WTCA)
To apply for membership visit M-WTCA
A national organization with international membership.
Annual Dues: Membership dues are payable January 1 of each year in US FUNDS.
$25.00 per year for USA, $33.00 for Canada and $40.00 for Foreign members.
Early American Industries Association (EAIA)
To become a member complete the on line form
A national organization with international membership.
Annual Dues: $30.00 US Individual or $45.00 US with spouse.
Collectors of Rare and Familiar Tools Society (CRAFTS)
To become a member complete the online form.
Tends to be regional but has members from all over.
Annual Dues: $15 US.
Hand Tool Preservation Association of Australia Inc. (HTPAA)
Membership information on their site.
Long Island Antique Tool Collectors Association (LIATCA)
For membership contact:
Bill Hermanek, Pres.
31 Wildwood Lane
Smithtown, NY 11787 USA
or Email: Bhermanek@aol.com
Annual Dues: $10/yr
New England Tool Collectors Association (NETCA)
Membership Information can be obtained from:
The Editor & Secretary/Treasurer,
Judy Hughs,
11-1/2 Concord Avenue,
St. Johnsbury, VT 05819 USA
Tends to be regional.
Annual Dues: $5 US.
Ohio Tool Collectors Association (OTCA)
For Membership, contact:
Ohiot Tool Collectors
Wayne Michaels
226 Mills Place
New Lebanon, OH 45345
Annual Dues $15/year
Pacific Northwest Tool Collectors (PNTC)
For membership complete the on line form or contact:
Annual Dues: $15/yr
Potomac Antique Tools and Industries Association Inc. (PATINA)
For a Membership application write to:
Greg Wilinski, Sec./Treas.
7007 Hundsford Lane
Springfield, VA
Tends to be regional but has members from all over.
Annual Dues: $12 US
Preserving Arts and Skills of the Trades (PAST)
Annual Dues: $15/yr
The Richmond Antique Tool Society
For Membership complete the on line application or write to:
Jim Hollins
Dept: WWW
2208 Lochwood Court
Richmond, VA 23233 USA
or mailto:jelliott@sycomtech.com
Annual Dues: $10
Rocky Mountain Tool Collectors
Visit their Home Page for more information
Southwest Tool Collectors Association
Visit their Web Site for further information.
The Tool Group of Canada
Membership information can be obtained from:
Peter Wood
7 Tottenham Road, Don Mills,
Ontario, L0G 1M0
Annual Dues: $20 Canadian
The Tools and Trades History Society (TATHS)
Membership information can be obtained from:
The Tool & Trades History Society
Somerset TA3 7EX
Western New York Antique Tool Collectors Assoc. (WNYATCA)
Membership information can be obtained from:
James Bovay, Sec./Treas
104 Seldon St.
Rochester, NY 14605
or Email: kinsey@uno.cc.geneseo.edu